New Webinar Events for 2021
Plan Your Philosophy Teaching for 2021-22 - Greg Barker with Clare Lloyd - Tuesday 15th June 4pm-5.30pm
For A Level RS Teachers of WJEC/Eduqas with Greg Barker
This new webinar delivers resources, teaching ideas and content as you look ahead to the next teaching year. You’ll also receive insights on how to tackle difficult areas of the spec. This is a great way to get ahead on things so you can really take a summer break!
The webinar features:
The latest Philosophy resources to help you and your students
Teaching practices effective in tackling the content mountain!
Deep dives to understand difficult spec areas in Philosophy
Q&A, handouts & prizes!
Plan Your Ethics Teaching for 2021-22 - Greg Barker with Clare Lloyd - Wednesday 16th June 4pm-5.30pm
For A Level RS Teachers of WJEC/Eduqas
This new webinar delivers resources, teaching ideas and content as you look ahead to the next teaching year. You’ll also gain insights on how to tackle difficult areas of the spec. This is a great way to get ahead on things so you can really take a summer break!
This Webinar Features:
The latest Ethics resources to help you and your students
Teaching practices effective in tackling the content mountain!
Deep dives to understand difficult spec areas in Ethics
Q&A, handouts & prizes!
Plan Your Christianity Teaching for 2021-22 - Greg Barker - Thursday 17th June 4pm-5.30pm
For A Level RS Teachers of WJEC/Eduqas
This new webinar delivers resources, teaching ideas and content as you look ahead to the next teaching year. You’ll also receive insights on how to tackle difficult areas of the spec. This is a great way to get ahead on things so you can really take a summer break!
This Webinar Features:
The latest Christianity resources to help you and your students
Teaching practices effective in tackling the content mountain!
Deep dives to understand difficult spec areas in Christianity
Q&A, handouts & prizes!
Content BLAST for Your Year 12s! - Greg Barker with Clare Lloyd - Tuesday 22 June
A special event for current WJEC/EduqasYR12 students to brush up on their year 1 content
We will blast through three subthemes in 90 minutes for year 12 students (Ethics Theme 1 A,B & C) Buy just one ticket for access for ALL of your year 12 students! Note: this event is limited to the first 12 schools that sign up.
Finally Master Hoose & Finnis! - Greg Barker with Clare Lloyd - Thursday 24 June
Webinar for Teachers of Ethics A Level WJEC/Eduqas
Greg and Clare will guide you through this area of the Ethics specification with resources for teaching, insights on how to get students out of common traps and handouts you can use to guide learners to top grades in this area!
This Webinar Features:
Key insights to help you master content
Handouts to use in teaching Hoose & Finnis
Guidance on Teaching Application
Q&A, resources & prizes!